Friday, March 25, 2016

chemin de croix

Pau, FRANCE: Scenes and video from today's Way of the Cross, a traditional
Holy Week procession throughout the world. 

The beginning of the procession.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

taking off in uganda

I'm throwing it way back today, and it's not even a throwback Thursday or Tuesday or whatever. :-) Here's a bit of video from the archives that has never been shared on this lovely blog. Way back in 2007, I was settling into my seat in the back of the small Cessna, readying for the return to the Ugandan mainland. As I finished buckling in, I realized our Bukasa Island hosts were singing and praying us off, and I managed to capture a tiny clip of their care-in-action.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

lenten poem twenty-four

Pyrenees, 2014.

Carême 24: La grâce de Dieu

"Commended to the grace of God"

Perhaps I don't know
the fullness of this 
phrase's meaning.
But I know it sounds
like a good
and lovely thing
to wish for.
Like flowers in full bloom.

*Translation of French: God's grace

Friday, March 18, 2016

lenten poem twenty-two

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.

Carême 22: Repose-toi

La nuit est fraîche
Mais la lune brille
Derrière les nuages.
Une lumière douce,
Gentille, et
Pleine d'espoir.
Tout ira bien, ma puce.

In English:

Carême 22: Rest

The night is cool
But the moon shines
From behind the clouds.
A light soft,
Kind, and
Full of hope.
Everything will be okay, my dear one.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

lenten poem twenty-one

Carême 21:
Les cadeaux d'aujourd'hui

Midday bird choirs,
curly-headed new friends wearing niece-ages,
a tail-wagging blond puppy
licking fingers through a gate,
and the last spoonful of chocolate mousse
from people welcoming me 


My heart is warm
during this
leisurely stroll home.

*Translation of French: Today's gifts
Photo: Pau, France, 2016.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

lenten poem twenty

San Diego, 31 December 2011.

Carême 20: This Grace in Which We Stand, 
or Romans 5:2

We stand beneath a shower
of golden light

and hold hands open in wonder.

This light of your grace, 
we can feel it

as it soaks us.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

lenten poem nineteen

England, 2011.

Carême 19: L'abondance

A sprinkle of water ~~ clean
New heart, new spirit ~~ redeemed
Saved from destruction ~~ alive

Life abundant
for you are holy.

*Translation of French: abundance

Monday, March 7, 2016

lenten poem eighteen

Pau, France. Today.

Carême 18: Sunday's Verse

La météo: il va pleuvoir 7 jours sur 8.

Timely then, this poetry lilting soundlessly, without
fanfare from the church's projection
screen while we await the
service's start.

Connaissons, cherchons à connaître l'Eternel!
Sa venue est aussi certaine que celle de l'aurore.
Il viendra pour nous comme la pluie, comme la dernière pluie
qui arrose la terre.
Osée 6.3

So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD.
His going forth is as certain as the dawn;
And He will come to us like the rain,
Like the spring rain watering the earth.
Hosea 6:3

*Translation of French: The forecast: It's going to rain 7 out of the next 8 days.

lenten poem seventeen

Aix-en-Provence, France. 2014.

Carême 17: Of Seeds & Yeast

Growth of any sort
is miraculous mystery
God-done, for we cannot.

----Come, Lord. Grow us.

(The Lent Project - Biola U. Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts; Matthew 13:31-33)

Friday, March 4, 2016

lenten poem sixteen

Pau, France. 2016.

Carême 16: Confessions

You say then we will 
know in full, face to face. Then.
But I want then now.
On Earth. Now.

-----Seigneur, je suis fatiguée par l'attente.

*Translation of French: Lord, I'm tired of the waiting, of the expectation.
(1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

lenten poem fifteen

Southern France. 2014.

Carême 15: Fear Is Persistent

Why, Lord, do I fear
you will use my willingness to obey
as a weapon against me?
as a way to play with me?

-----You are not capricious.     
You are love.     
You are good.     
Help my heart believe you.     

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

lenten poem fourteen

Togo. 2014.

Carême 14: The Sign Is Worship, or Exodus 3:12

Part 1: Délivrance

Je vois ta souffrance.
Ne t'inquiete pas, je viens,
je te mènerais
là où tu t'épanouiras.

Part 2: Moses

Je ne comprends pas.
I must step in trust before
you give the sign?
You ask too much, Lord

Part 3: It Is Finished

We will worship you. 
And know.

*Translation of France: I see your suffering. Don't worry, I'm coming, I will lead you to a place where you will flourish. // I don't understand.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

lenten poem thirteen

Lagos, Nigeria. 2014.

Carême 13: Supplication

Lord, please show me if
there is error in my way;
donne-moi ta paix et
le courage de te suivre.

*Translation of French: Supplication=supplication; If not, give me your peace and the courage to follow you.